Sunday 31 May 2015

Rain and wind again and banana jam

really getting sick of the amount of wind there has been lately, don't mind the rain, we need it in the gardens, but the wind is stopping me from having the garden done, it's a double edged problem, as I can't get the troughs out on the wall, as the flowers will get bashed about and ruined, they are in the greenhouse, getting lusher and bigger every day, but the growth is soft from the warmth and light in the greenhouse, which makes them more prone to wind damage...Grrr.
While  sorting through the freezer yesterday I found several bags and tubs of sliced up bananas, these are usually ones that have gone to the point of too ripe that no one will eat them, so I chop them up and freeze them ready to make a banana cake or something.
so today I'm making banana Jam, it's a pretty simple recipe, and not really a jam.
To begin with, mix 320g sugar with 5oz water and heat in a jam pan,,stirring until it's all dissolved, sorry for the mixture of metric and imperial measures, tip in 650g of chopped ripe bananas and 2.5 oz of lime juice, bring to a boil and then simmer for around 30 mins. About half way through, add 1.5 tsp of cinnamon and stir in.

Pot up, you're not looking for a setting point or anything here, but provided you have simmered for 30 mins and everything is sterile, the it should keep fine.

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