Saturday 25 April 2015

Chilli sherry

As it's quite cool outside today, I'm sorting out a few bits and pieces inside that I've been meaning to do for ages, I've been out in the little poly tunnel for a short while and planted more coriander and basil to replace the ones I've just had to compost due to scorching and death during this week...poor little things. I need to pot on some of the tomatoes and lupins too and will get on with that next.
I've been printing off labels for things I've made this week, so I can get them stored away.
 the Amaretto Apple conserve...hmm, still think it's a bit too sloppy and needs reboiling, will think on about that for a while.
The lemon curd is put away in the fridge, I made the shredless marmalade, not completely shredless, but instead of slicing up the peel, I grated the zest and added it and then threw the peel away after boiling, seems such a waste, but several people have asked for shredless stuff.
And I pickled some of our excess egg supply.
While working out where to store all this I came across a jar of chilli sherry that I put away after mixing, and it needs filtering, however, can't get the top off! Just boiling the kettle to pour over it and see if that works. This will be hot stuff and I will bottle into small jars for people to use like Tabasco.

This is what it looks like after its filtered and bottled.

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