Saturday 4 April 2015

Fernando's most excellent meatloaf

Today I'm doing some of the prep for tomorrow's Easter Feast with the family, in with everything I'm doing is the most delicious meatloaf I've ever had.
It was given to me by a lovely Brazilian man, a friend of Mrs H, and it's definitely worth sharing, now it's not an exact measures recipe, but that makes it even better because you can play with it and adapt it to your own choosing.
Start off by frying one large chopped onion in a little oil and adding a bit of chopped garlic and a diced pepper, any colour, I prefer red. Once they have softened a little added some bacon lardons or chopped bacon and just colour it a little. Then put to one side to cool.
In a large mixing bowl put 500g of good beef mince and 250g of lean pork mince, along with a small can of drained sweetcorn, a few chopped olives, a few peas, a handful of raisins and a handful of chopped dried apricots, break in an egg, add the fried stuff then mix it all together, the best way is to get in there with your hands.
Next, in a flan or similar type dish lay strips of streaky bacon or pancetta, up the sides and hanging over, so then, when you put the mince mixture in and flatten it down, you can wrap the overhang over the edges and top of the meatloaf.
Place the dish on a baking sheet and cook in a170 oven for around 45 mins, then take it out, and carefully put a plate on the top, flip it over and slide it back into the baking dish - so the top becomes the bottom. Cook for a further half hour., leave to cool and eat just warm or cold. Here's a picture of the one I made last time.

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